ECIC #25 2020 in Cologne

We are pleased to announce that the topic of the 25th European Christian Internet Conference is "Digital knowledge management".
ECIC #25 will be held in Cologne, Germany 18th - 20th May 2020.
Society has become increasingly digital, this change pertains to churches, too. “Where is church nearby?”, “When is service on Christmas Eve?” - Search engines and speech assistants have become a digital touchpoint for the local churches. Digital Knowledge Management which provides reliable data to publishers is a necessity for a visible presence of the church.
Registration and payment
Registration is open, you can find the form for registration and payment here.
Payment, if you have registrered and need to pay by invoice, you can find the invoice here.
Registration closes on 31th of March.
What's included in the fee
When you pay for the ECIC-conference your stay at the hotel is included, and so is most of the meals during the conference.
Practical information
The hotel price is included in the conference fee.
Motel One Köln-Waidmarkt
Tel-Aviv-Straße 6
D-50676 Köln
fon: +49 (221) 272 595-0
fax: +49 (221) 272 595-10
You can find out more about speakers here.
This is the programme for ECIC #25 (with reservation for changes)
For those interested: here is the programme as an ical-feed. Please subscribe to it, and not just download it, to get any changes.