ECIC 17 - Rome, Italy
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The 17th European Christian Internet Conference will be held in Rome, Italy from June 11th to 14th, 2012. All webmasters, journalists, web coordinators, web pastors, etc. of European Churches and Christian Organsations are warmly wellcome to join in vital disscussions and interesting keynotes.

The conference will be held in Casa la Salle, which is part of the Generalate of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, a religious congregation founded in France by Saint John Baptist de La Salle in 1680, a noted educator of the late 17th early 18th centuries (1651-1719). The centre is located a short distance from the Vatican and center-city Rome, it is in a park-like setting that offers gardens where one can sit in the shade in an atmosphere offering relaxation for mind and body.