ECIC 12 - Revfülöp, Hungary
ECIC 12: "Church 2.0 - an environment for interaction and integration"
European webpastors, editors, webmasters, and other new media personalities gathered to the 12th European Christian Internet Conference in Revfülöp, Hungary by the beautifull Lake Balaton. Christian Web Workers from all over Europe met in June 16-20, 2007.

The Conference was hosted by Lutheran Church of Hungary and took place in a one of their training centres, Ordass Lajos Evangélikus Oktatási Központ ( ) by Lake Balaton. The venue offered excelent conference facilities and most beautifull surroundings for ECIC XII.
Altogether 33 participants from 11 different countries met on Saturday June 16,2007 in Budapest, the capital of Hungary and Steering Committee had organized transportation to the conference location. During afternoon participants had opportunity to see beautiful countryside of Hungary.
The aim of the conference was to exchange experiences about working with the Internet. Participants seeked opportunities and contacts to arrange co-operation in the area of this "new media". Past conferences have proved to be very fruitful and to fulfill a vital role for the Christian Internet presence. The Conference was not designed as "talk shops" but as "working conferences"