Gustav Martner

Photo: Trunov Dmitry
Gustav is a digital re-inventor, media agnostic creative and skinny Swede with a beard worthy a viking, who co-founded the digital agency Daddy at the turn of the millennium. In the decade to follow, Daddy expanded whilst maintaining its presence in Sweden's top echelon of digital agencies - bringing home numerous international awards for clients like ABSOLUT VODKA, Carlsberg, Scandinavian Airlines and TeliaSonera among others. In 2009, the US based creative powerhouse CP+B acquired Daddy, turning them into the foundation for their European operations. The years to follow, Gustav was an Executive Creative Director for CP+B, expanding with new European offices and winning a lot of metal in award shows such as Cannes Lions, the Golden Egg and Eurobest, for clients such as Sony Mobile, Ubisoft and Swedish Radio.
In 2009 Gustav co-founded the big data company Burt Corp, who organize and visualize data for publisher's digital properties. Burt has 20 employees and operate in Scandinavia and North America.
For four years Gustav was also the chairman of the Swedish Association of Communication Agencies (Komm), which is Sweden's main professional organization for communication agencies, and has around 300 companies as their members.
In 2015, Gustav left CP+B and Komm to co-found DigitalReliance.org, a non-profit organization that works with projects to strengthen human rights and sustainability in a digital context. Ongoing projects include #refugeephones, which is the biggest non-profit initiative in Scandinavia when it comes to give refugees smartphones and access to mobile networks for free.
2012 Gustav was featured as number 6 on "Sweden's top 100 super talents" list in the financial magazine "Veckans Affärer".
Tim Hutchings

Photo: Svante Emanuelli
Tim Hutchings is a sociologist and ethnographer of digital religion, with a particular interest in digital Christianity. His research explores new digital forms of authority, community and ritual, the relationship between online and offline activity, and the role of media technologies in social change. His projects have included studies of online churches, online evangelism, Bible apps and Bible games, and digital pilgrimage. He is currently a researcher in Stockholm University's "Existential Terrains" team, where he studies death, grief and the afterlife in digital cultures.
Profile page: http://www.ims.su.se/forskning/forskningsområden/journalistik-medier-och-kommunikation/tim-hutchings-1.257722
Project page: http://et.ims.su.se
Publications: https://su-se.academia.edu/TimHutchings
Magnus Eriksson and Peter Ljungstand
This presentation from Peter and Magnus of The Interactive Institute will deal with utopias,dystopias, hopes and fears that has permeated visions of the internet. From the early community norms and hacker ethics that made the computer culture declare an "independence of cyberspace" in the 90's to the internet of today, filled with seductive manipulation of information for profit or political interests. They will also showcase their own designs for how digital technology can be used to bring about strong social ties and foster a positive participatory culture.
Interactive Institute is an experimental IT & design research institute creating groundbreaking user experiences and do research in the field of interaction design, visualization, user behavior, sound design, games and entertainment.

Peter Ljungstand
Peter Ljungstand has a background in computer science, electrical engineering, systems science and interaction design, as well as in the hacker communities of the pre-web era. His prime research interests relate to the intersection of humans and technologies from a design and innovation point of view.

Magnus Eriksson
Magnus Eriksson is a sociologist studying legal, political and social consequences of digitalization and how various communities make use of digital tools. He has a background as an activist for free communications and an open internet as well as within new media art.
Charlotte Fryckelund

Charlotte Fryckelund
Charlotte Frycklund has been a minister of the Church of Sweden for 20 years, and is now the national coordinator of the Chat for Clergy on Call, as well as for the E-letter-service of Clergy on Call. Clergy on Call is a service of the Church of Sweden which allows people in need of ministry and counselling to talk, via telephone or screen, with a Minister of the Church of Sweden. Clergy on Call handles about 90 000 contacts per year. The Chat function started in 2014, after Clergy on Call discovered that young people did not use the phone number and generally preferred to talk about life questions via chat. Charlotte Frycklund is also the first minister of Church of Sweden to be employed as a minister on social media, and she spends a good deal of her working hours being a minister on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.