European Christian Internet Conference  inspires churches to embrace the digital age

09 - 11 September 2024, Bossey / Geneva, Switzerland

The European Christian Internet Conference (ECIC), established over 20 years ago, brings together a diverse array of digital professionals - from online pastors, digital strategists and content creators, to web and social media managers and beyond. They represent a broad spectrum of churches and Christian organizations, reflecting the many expressions of Christianity across the continent.



2024 ECIC will be held in Bossey near Geneva.

We will start on Monday 9th at 2pm and finish Wednesday 2pm.


This years topic:

What is truth? - Ethical and practical issues in the use of AI.

We will learn from experience of churches in Europe, as well as ecumenical and international organizations in Geneva.


Keynote-speakers are:

  • Christine Ulrich, Munich: “The search for truth in journalism in the face of political and technical challenges”
  • Erin Green, Brussels: “GPTs Gone Good: Custom AI for Communication Rights”
  • Prof. Dr. Holger Sievert, Cologne: "Artificial intelligence as a (non-)topic of two large European churches"
  • George Zarkadakis, Zug: “Gods, Robots, and Theory of Mind: How AI is unlike anything else we made"
  • Hovig Etyemezian, Geneva, "Ethical and practical issues in the use of AI from UNHCR’s perspective".



Normal rate including accomodation in Bossey: € 580.-

Fee for local participants (without accomodation): € 300.-

In case, you want to come but have problems with fiancing your trip, please feel free to contact us!


For Registration please use the link from the menu above.

If cou want to book your flight, try not to book your return flight before 4pm on wednesday.


Chateau de Bossey


Above: The venue, Chateau de Bossey