ECIC #25 "Church beyond the pandemic"

Wed May 19th 2021

Welcome to the annual ECIC-conference!

During the pandemic most of Europe (and the world) have gotten more and more used to do almost everything online, from working to socializing with friends and family in a scope never before imagined. And the same goes for the Church, poeples way of engaging with the faith and each other have changed. In some ways perhaps for good, in others more temporarily. What lessons do we draw from this last year and what do we want to bring with us into the future?

A Special Year

This years conference is special since it is the first time we have it in one day and online exclusively. Of course we will miss meeting each other AFK (Away From Keyboard), but on the other hand perhaps some of us can attend that otherwise would have difficulties to set the time aside for travel and a hotel stay. We have interesting speakers queued up and we look forward to learn more on the topics related to churches going online – due to the pandemic and beyond pandemic

During Wednesday 19th of May we will meet online, to listen to (click on their names to find our more about their topics):

We will also open up the  conference for you to share your 5-minute presentation of something interesting you've done or are doing now, or just tips and tricks for the digital church.

We will have the annual meeting as usual, which is crucial in the life of ECIC since we are a membership organization.

The fee for this years conference is only the memebership fee for being a member of ECIC, and having the right to vote in the annual meeting.



Make sure to register to get your place in this years ECIC-conference!

The payment form is separate so those of you who need to pay by bank transfer still can register.

Any questions around the payment can be directed to Titti (see contact details at the top of the registration form).

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